Sermon Series Archive

Back to Normal

With all that has happened with COVID, do you wish we could just get back to Normal?  Or perhaps you may wonder 'is NORMAL even possible?'  This series looks not only at what has changed but how the WAY of Jesus  is not about chasing the NORMAL  or simply getting back  to NORMAL, but something entirely different, lasting and valuable.

Back to Normal - July 5, 2020
With all that has happened with COVID, do you wish we could just get back to Normal? Or perhaps you may wonder 'is NORMAL even possible?' This series looks not only at what has changed but how the WAY of Jesus is not about chasing the NORMAL or simply getting back to NORMAL, but something entirely different, lasting and valuable.
Let Your light SHINE - but not in my eyes! - July 12, 2020
Ever had someone shine a light right into your eyes? Ya, not helpful. But neither is being in a dark place and no one is willing to give you a light. When you think of following Jesus, is it just about your relationship with him? Or should your faith in Jesus make a difference in the lives of others? This week we look at how we can have a faith that is neither private, nor obnoxious, but of benefit to others.
You can't be serious - July 19, 2020
Is getting angry a big deal? Well I guess it depends on who you ask. Jesus teaches that getting angry is the equivalent to murder. Yep, that is not a typo. But that can't be? This week we unpack Jesus' view on anger and lust and how they are a big deal!
I thought no one was perfect? - July 26, 2020
What is Jesus talking about here, be perfect as His Heavenly Father is perfect! I thought no one was perfect? These few verses may be some of Jesus's most difficult teachings. Not because they are hard to understand but because they are so easy to understand but so difficult to do. Most of us have been told all our lives that "nobody is perfect", so what could Jesus be talking about. As always there is a deeper message here to explore, one that might surprise us. These are "red letter" verses and so important as we seek to follow Jesus into the abundant life He promised us.
Overcoming Worry - August 2, 2020
We all worry.. it is hard to avoid. We worry about health, finances, decisions,relationships. So what do we do? How do we overcome and get through our worry? This week we will look to the promises that God gives us and find hope so that worry will not overtake our lives.
Annoying God - Aug 9, 2020
Have you ever thought that you could annoy God and get him really angry? And I'm not talking about when you do bad things.. but outwardly good things? Like... giving to those in need, prayer and fasting. Sort of the 'BIG THREE' when it comes to spiritual practices. Well.. that is what we are talking about this week. Join us as we go live Sunday at 10:30am
Let's talk about money - Aug 16, 2020
Money is a sensitive subject? So should we talk about it at church? Does Jesus talk about it? Yes & Yes. So what does He say? This week we are going to look at how we view and use our money and possessions can have a big impact on our life and faith. Join us as we go live Sunday at 10:30am
Building a Solid Foundation - 23 Aug 2020
What are you building your life upon? What is your foundation? For a building to last to be able to weather the 'storms' it needs a solid foundation. So about in life? What is the foundation that we are building our lives upon? As well, we are celebrating our first ever online baptism. You don't want to miss it.
Be strong and courageous - Aug 30, 2020
In the midst of hardship and obstacles, where do you turn? When it comes to God's promises, are they words we simply hear? or words we live by? Join us this week as we discuss. We go live Sunday at 10:30am
Be An Encourager - Sept 6th
Life can be hard. Perhaps this past 6 months have been overwhelming. So how can we respond. How can we be encouraged in the midst? Well.. have you ever considered one way is to be an encouragement to others? Well that is the topic of this week. We hope that you will join us.