Sermon Series Archive

Crucial Conversations
Conversations are key. Although oftentimes, the crucial ones don't happen because we are too busy, they are too hard or we don't know where to start. This series is a jumping off point for some of these crucial conversations that we need to have with ourselves, others and God..
What guides your life? Sept 27,2020
Conversations are important when it comes to building relationships with others and with God. This week we will kick off the series with the first conversation around the question ' what guides your life?'
I'm so angry I could... Oct 4, 2020
We all get angry, so how do you respond? Have you ever found that your unhelpful responses actually cause more harm to yourself and others? So what do we do? What is a helpful response? This week, we continue with our series 'Crucial Conversations' as we look at how we deal with the emotion of anger. You can join us online or in-person Sunday at 10:30am.
Thanksgiving... beyond this weekend - Oct 11, 2020
We all give thanks. But how often? Sure this weekend, and at other times when things go well BUT can there be more? Can thanksgiving become more of a disposition, a part of life? A way of living that fights back the self talk of complaint and comparison?
Our greatest need - Oct 18, 2020
If you could ask God for one thing, what would it be? Or put another way what do you need most from God? Better health, greater happiness, job, a fixed marriage... I am sure there are many more answers we could give. But what if we reversed the question - What does God believe we need the most? Would He say the same thing that comes to our mind? That is where we are going this week.