Sermon Series Archive

Encounters - in Unexpected places with God
Can you experience God or have an encounter with Him in the everyday moments of life? Join us as we look at various Encounters Jesus had as He met them wherever they were at. Reminding us that we too can Encounter God in some of the most unexpected places. Moments of confusion, doubt, guilt, generosity and anger.
PodCast - I don't understand - March 6, 2022
Do you ever struggle with ‘the why?’
* why God allows war and innocent people to suffer.
* why people we love get sick and are never healed.
* why there are so many struggles in life.
We don’t fully understand and want to know why? You are not alone. Join us as we look to understand ‘the why’ in life.
What does #forparis mean? - March 27, 2022
Is #forparis just a slogan? A marketing ploy? What does it mean? Why do we always talk about it? Join us as we unpack how bring #forparis is crucial to who we are as a church and how we are to live as followers of Jesus.
PodCast ‘What does #forparis mean?’ - March 27, 2022
Is #forparis just a slogan? A marketing ploy? What does it mean? Why do we always talk about it? Join us as we unpack how bring #forparis is crucial to who we are as a church and how we are to live as followers of Jesus.
PodCast - ‘Socially Distanced from God’ - April 3, 2022
These past 2 years we have intentionally been keeping a safe distance from others. But have we been unintentionally keeping distant from God? Perhaps without even realizing? Join us as we look at the most necessary step we have to take if we truly want to Encounter the goodness of God.
Joel refers to David's video, here is the link:
‘Socially Distanced from God’ - April 3, 2022
These past 2 years we have intentionally been keeping a safe distance from others. But have we been unintentionally keeping distant from God? Perhaps without even realizing? Join us as we look at the most necessary step we have to take if we truly want to Encounter the goodness of God.
Joel refers to David's video, here is the link:
PodCast: I’m so Confused… Who is Jesus? - April 10, 2022
Are you confused about Jesus? Is he God? Or why He allows difficult things to happen in the world and in my life. Many don’t embrace confusion, but perhaps we should as an opportunity to have greater clarity and open us up to deeper faith. This week we learn at how confusion and faith are necessary and how how Confusion was at the center of The Greatest movement in history.
I’m so Confused… Who is Jesus? - April 10, 2022
Are you confused about Jesus? Is he God? Or why He allows difficult things to happen in the world and in my life. Many don’t embrace confusion, but perhaps we should as an opportunity to have greater clarity and open us up to deeper faith. This week we learn at how confusion and faith are necessary and how how Confusion was at the center of The Greatest movement in history.
PodCast - Is DOUBT bad? - April 17, 2022
When it comes to faith in Jesus, do you view doubt as being bad? But is it? Or can doubt be a positive? Today, we are filled with happiness at Easter. But was that always the case? Join us as we look back at the very first Easter and how critical a role doubt played in actually transforming people's lives for the good. Don’t you want that? Sure you do.. So join us.
Is DOUBT bad? - April 17, 2022
When it comes to faith in Jesus, do you view doubt as being bad? But is it? Or can doubt be a positive? Today, we are filled with happiness at Easter. But was that always the case? Join us as we look back at the very first Easter and how critical a role doubt played in actually transforming people's lives for the good. Don’t you want that? Sure you do.. So join us.
PodCast - Guilt Trip - April 24, 2022
Guilt is a powerful emotion. One that is born out of our mistakes. An emotion that can get us off balance and cause significant harm. But have you considered that guilt does not have to take us down the path of destruction but can lead us towards transformation? Join us so as we discover that our mistakes in the past need not define our future or further damage our present.
Guilt Trip - April 24, 2022
Guilt is a powerful emotion. One that is born out of our mistakes. An emotion that can get us off balance and cause significant harm. But have you considered that guilt does not have to take us down the path of destruction but can lead us towards transformation? Join us so as we discover that our mistakes in the past need not define our future or further damage our present.
PodCast - A total write off - May 1, 2022
Have you ever been ‘written off’ by someone? Or have you ever ‘written off’ someone yourself? Ya, not a great situation. What about God? Does he ‘write people off”? This is important to understand as it has implications on our ‘view of God’ and our ‘posture towards others’. Join us this week.
A total write off - May 1, 2022
Have you ever been ‘written off’ by someone? Or have you ever ‘written off’ someone yourself? Ya, not a great situation. What about God? Does he ‘write people off”? This is important to understand as it has implications on our ‘view of God’ and our ‘posture towards others’. Join us this week.
PodCast - Now Life Really Begins - May 8, 2022
This week, Joel speaks with Katrina, a young mom in our church. Katrina shares her amazing journey with God through some very difficult places and how her faith played a role. This is a conversation you do not want to miss.
Now Life Really Begins - May 8, 2022
This week, Joel speaks with Katrina, a young mom in our church. Katrina shares her amazing journey with God through some very difficult places and how her faith played a role. This is a conversation you do not want to miss.
Where Can I Find Peace? - May 15, 2022
Have you ever felt like you could use a little more peace in your life? Certainly our world could use some peace. How about personal peace with your Creator? Is the world just too complicated and disruptive to allow a peaceful life? Join us as Jonathan helps us uncover our source of peace in every circumstance.
PodCast - Where can I find peace? - May 15, 2022
Have you ever felt like you could use a little more peace in your life? Certainly our world could use some peace. How about personal peace with your Creator? Is the world just too complicated and disruptive to allow a peaceful life? Join us as Jonathan helps us uncover our source of peace in every circumstance.
Making a Difference - May 22, 2022
This week, Joel returns from Malawi to share an update on his work in the prisons. It is a true testimony on how God values partnering with us. But it often begins with a subtle nudge. Join to not only hear the impact the prison ministry is having but how God can use you to make a difference right where you are.
PodCast - Making a Difference - May 22, 2022
This week, Joel returns from Malawi to share an update on his work in the prisons. It is a true testimony on how God values partnering with us. But it often begins with a subtle nudge. Join to not only hear the impact the prison ministry is having but how God can use you to make a difference right where you are.
PodCast - Where do I find hope? - May 29, 2022
This week, David speaks on hope. Everyone goes through difficult times. In the midst of it do you ever wonder 'where is God' or 'why do things not work out the way I would desire?' This week we want to focus on Hope? Where it is found and how we live with Hope.
Where do I find hope?
This week, David speaks on hope. Everyone goes through difficult times. In the midst of it do you ever wonder 'where is God' or 'why do things not work out the way I would desire?' This week we want to focus on Hope? Where it is found and how we live with Hope.