Sermon Series Archive

Essentials - to following Jesus
What does it mean or look like to 'follow Jesus'? This series will help highlight and unpack some of the essential beliefs and behaviours for those that desire to follow Jesus.
Podcast - Is Baptism Essential? Sept 11, 2022
This week we are starting a new series 'Essentials'. A series that looks at the essential beliefs and behaviors for those that desire to follow Jesus. To start off, we are asking the question... 'Is baptism Essential?' And if so, then why? We hope that you will join us.
Is Baptism Essential? (Full Service) Sept 11, 2022
This week we are starting a new series 'Essentials'. A series that looks at the essential beliefs and behaviors for those that desire to follow Jesus. To start off, we are asking the question... 'Is baptism Essential?' And if so, then why? We hope that you will join us.
PodCast - Chores for God - September 18, 2022
Why does serving others not come naturally? Like it is something we have to work at, in the home, at work or even in the church. Is serving reduced to ‘doing chores for God’? Or is there something more going on? Join us as we look at some of the challenges of why serving is so hard and some next steps we can take.
Chores for God - September 18, 2022
Why does serving others not come naturally? Like it is something we have to work at, in the home, at work or even in the church. Is serving reduced to ‘doing chores for God’? Or is there something more going on? Join us as we look at some of the challenges of why serving is so hard and some next steps we can take.
PodCast: Why relationship matter - September 25, 2022
I am sure we have all felt the impact of Covid when it comes to relationships. Being isolated makes life more difficult. Have you ever considered that there is a significant reason for that? Perhaps, God has wired us in a way that requires community. Join us this week as we look at why relationships matter and some next steps to take to get back on track ‘with people’.
Why relationships matter - Sep 25, 2022
I am sure we have all felt the impact of Covid when it comes to relationships. Being isolated makes life more difficult. Have you ever considered that there is a significant reason for that? Perhaps, God has wired us in a way that requires community. Join us this week as we look at why relationships matter and some next steps to take to get back on track ‘with people’.
PodCast: Beginners Guide to the Holy Spirit - October 2, 2022
When we say ‘ God is with us’ What does that mean? What does that look like? How does it happen? Lots of questions and I am sure you have many more. Especially when it comes to figuring out the Holy Spirit. Join us this week as we look at the role of the Holy Spirit and what that can mean for your life.
Beginners Guide to the Holy Spirit - October 2, 2022
When we say ‘ God is with us’ What does that mean? What does that look like? How does it happen? Lots of questions and I am sure you have many more. Especially when it comes to figuring out the Holy Spirit. Join us this week as we look at the role of the Holy Spirit and what that can mean for your life.
PodCast: Why Communion is Essential - Oct 9, 2022
Do you wonder what Communion is all about? Why the bread and the wine? Why the different names - Communion, Lord’s Supper, Eucharist? Yes, lots of questions and potentially even confusion which is a short step away from ‘just going through the motions’ and totally missing the significance. Join us this week as we look at what Communion is and why Communion is essential and what it can mean for you.
Why Communion is Essential - Oct 9, 2022
Do you wonder what Communion is all about? Why the bread and the wine? Why the different names - Communion, Lord’s Supper, Eucharist? Yes, lots of questions and potentially even confusion which is a short step away from ‘just going through the motions’ and totally missing the significance. Join us this week as we look at what Communion is and why Communion is essential and what it can mean for you.
PodCast: What Fuels Your Generosity? - Oct 16, 2022
If you were to ‘rate’ your level of generosity, what number would you give? Do you wish you were more generous? Have you ever considered what ‘fuels’ your generosity? You give when you see a need? You like how it makes you feel? Guilt? Join us as we unpack a key perspective if we want a sustained generosity.
What Fuels Your Generosity? - October 16, 2022
If you were to ‘rate’ your level of generosity, what number would you give? Do you wish you were more generous? Have you ever considered what ‘fuels’ your generosity? You give when you see a need? You like how it makes you feel? Guilt? Join us as we unpack a key perspective if we want a sustained generosity.
A better way to disagree
Ever notice that not all Christians agree? Differences over alcohol, Halloween, and dare I say it politics! And unfortunately too often these differences can get ugly and judgemental. So how do we respond? Is there a way to disagree in a way that doesn’t cause tension and hurt? Where a line in the sand does not have to be drawn? Join us as we look at some areas that Christians do disagree with and how to act in a helpful way.
A better way to disagree - October 23, 2022
Ever notice that not all Christians agree? Differences over alcohol, Halloween, and dare I say it politics! And unfortunately too often these differences can get ugly and judgemental. So how do we respond? Is there a way to disagree in a way that doesn’t cause tension and hurt? Where a line in the sand does not have to be drawn? Join us as we look at some areas that Christians do disagree with and how to act in a helpful way.
PodCast: Getting into the Game - October 30, 2022
We all want to make a difference. But what does that look like? What is the next step? Join us this week as we learn that amazing truth that God has given us different abilities and passions for a reason. And that when we discover we are better together, some amazing things can happen.
Getting into the Game - October 30, 2022
We all want to make a difference. But what does that look like? What is the next step? Join us this week as we learn that amazing truth that God has given us different abilities and passions for a reason. And that when we discover we are better together, some amazing things can happen.
Q & A - November 6, 2022
Does the Bible mention dinosaurs? Does everyone go to Heaven? Why does God allow suffering? These are the questions that have been asked, so Joel is going to dive in and look to provide some answers.
PodCast: Q & A - November 6, 2022
Does the Bible mention dinosaurs? Does everyone go to Heaven? Why does God allow suffering? These are the questions that have been asked, so Joel is going to dive in and look to provide some answers.