Sermon Series Archive

Faithful and Flawed

"Faithful and Flawed" is a series that explores the lives of biblical characters, highlighting their unwavering faith and relatable human flaws. A series we believe will help us look at the timeless relevance of these characters as we examine our own lives and how in the midst of our ‘flaws’ we can remain faithful to Jesus.

PodCast: Making a Difference - July 2, 2023
This week we kick off our summer series' Faithful and Flawed'. A series that explores the lives of biblical characters, highlighting their unwavering faith and relatable human flaws. We begin with a lesser-known figure in the Bible, and how his actions and character qualities serve as an inspiration and example for how we too can make a difference... in simple and unexpected ways.
Making a Difference - July 2, 2023
This week we kick off our summer series' Faithful and Flawed'. A series that explores the lives of biblical characters, highlighting their unwavering faith and relatable human flaws. We begin with a lesser-known figure in the Bible, and how his actions and character qualities serve as an inspiration and example for how we too can make a difference... in simple and unexpected ways.
PodCast: "The Benefits of Doubt" - July 9, 2023
Doubt is a part of life. There are times when we may doubt ourselves, doubt our circumstances and even doubt God. So what do we do? And how can we respond in a way that doubt can actually be of benefit? Join us this week as we look at another person from the Bible. One who struggled with doubt, but did not allow his doubt to become a barrier but rather a catalyst to faith.
PodCast: ‘Cultivating Humility’ - July 16, 1959
Have you ever considered how recognizing your flaws can actually be the first step to greater personal growth? As we continue our series ‘Faithful & Flawed’ we will look at how in a world consumed with self-promotion and the pursuit of personal glory that Jesus offered a different way. We will look at the example of James and John, brothers that were very close with Jesus yet they had a bad blind spot - They were focused on themselves! Join us as we learn from them and apply it to our own lives.
‘Cultivating Humility’ - July 16, 2023
Have you ever considered how recognizing your flaws can actually be the first step to greater personal growth? As we continue our series ‘Faithful & Flawed’ we will look at how in a world consumed with self-promotion and the pursuit of personal glory that Jesus offered a different way. We will look at the example of James and John, brothers that were very close with Jesus yet they had a bad blind spot - They were focused on themselves! Join us as we learn from them and apply it to our own lives.
PodCast: Jesus' Flawed Followers - July 23, 2023
This week as we look at two unlikely choices of Jesus to be his followers. They had major flaws and they were enemies. Yet, b/c of Jesus, their lives and relationship was transformed. Join us as we see again how the grace of Jesus can change your life and impact your relationships.
Jesus's Flawed Followers
This week as we look at two unlikely choices of Jesus to be his followers. They had major flaws and they were enemies. Yet, b/c of Jesus, their lives and relationship was transformed. Join us as we see again how the grace of Jesus can change your life and impact your relationships.
PodCast: When Life Seems Unfair - July 30, 2023
This week the backdrop is Jeremiah who was called by God to be a prophet to the nation of Israel - Not an easy task. The people rejected everything he said and did and at great personal expense. It almost cost him his life. What do you do when life seems unfair? The Bible helps by teaching us how to lament. However we don't just complain about what is happening, we learn to trust God through it all.
When Life Seems Unfair
This week the backdrop is Jeremiah who was called by God to be a prophet to the nation of Israel - Not an easy task. The people rejected everything he said and did and at great personal expense. It almost cost him his life. What do you do when life seems unfair? The Bible helps by teaching us how to lament. However we don't just complain about what is happening, we learn to trust God through it all.
PodCast: Navigating Toxic Relationships
Have you ever had to deal with a dysfunctional or even toxic relationship? It is not much fun is it? This week we are going to see what lessons we can learn to help us navigate these difficult relationships. We will be looking at how Jonathan, the son of King Saul and the best friend of David, Saul's enemy, navigated a no win situation.
Navigating Toxic Relationships - August 6, 2023
Have you ever had to deal with a dysfunctional or even toxic relationship? It is not much fun is it? This week we are going to see what lessons we can learn to help us navigate these difficult relationships. We will be looking at how Jonathan, the son of King Saul and the best friend of David, Saul's enemy, navigated a no win situation.
PodCast: Working with the Lord - August 13, 2023
When God works in our communities, he often invites us to participate in the work with him. But sometimes it can be hard to answer the call: The work might be difficult; Others might ridicule or laugh at us; We might be genuinely tired; There could even be real danger involved. This week we look at one Biblical figure’s recipe for success as he faced all of these obstacles at once and still managed to accomplish great things for his God.
Working with the Lord - August 13, 2023
When God works in our communities, he often invites us to participate in the work with him. But sometimes it can be hard to answer the call: The work might be difficult; Others might ridicule or laugh at us; We might be genuinely tired; There could even be real danger involved. This week we look at one Biblical figure’s recipe for success as he faced all of these obstacles at once and still managed to accomplish great things for his God.
PodCast: Actions speak louder than words - August 20, 2023
We know that in life, it is not simply what we say, but how we live. That our actions truly demonstrate what we believe, value and trust. So how does this then translate when it comes to faith in God? Is our faith bound merely by words that we believe or say? Or is there something more? Join us this week as we look at the OT prophet Hosea and his timeless message for us today. How when it comes to God’s love for us, it is more than mere words, it is seen in action. And how that then impacts our lives and the actions we take.
Actions Speak Louder than Word - August 20, 2023
We know that in life, it is not simply what we say, but how we live. That our actions truly demonstrate what we believe, value and trust. So how does this then translate when it comes to faith in God? Is our faith bound merely by words that we believe or say? Or is there something more? Join us this week as we look at the OT prophet Hosea and his timeless message for us today. How when it comes to God’s love for us, it is more than mere words, it is seen in action. And how that then impacts our lives and the actions we take.
PodCast: Wrestling with God - August 27, 2023
There are many things people strive for in life only to discover that it does not bring the satisfaction hoped for. It is only when we discover that God is for us that we will find true meaning and ultimate purpose in life.
Wrestling with God - August 27, 2023
There are many things people strive for in life only to discover that it does not bring the satisfaction hoped for. It is only when we discover that God is for us that we will find true meaning and ultimate purpose in life.
PodCast: You are part of God's story - September 3, 2023
What qualifies you to be used by God? Is it your education, life experience, your courage? None, or all of the above? This Sunday we will explore how God used those from generations past who seemed very unlikely. He used people who may have been a bit lacking by our standards, but who were used by Him to do incredible things. The Story of God continues today and you are part of it!
You are part of God's story
What qualifies you to be used by God? Is it your education, life experience, your courage? None, or all of the above? This Sunday we will explore how God used those from generations past who seemed very unlikely. He used people who may have been a bit lacking by our standards, but who were used by Him to do incredible things. The Story of God continues today and you are part of it!